Monday, March 22, 2010

We had our kingpin’s and bruisers, gumshoes and tough-as-nails detectives, girl Fridays, femme fatales….and wizards, witches, and a fairy or two. Our fourth annual Purim Pandemonium brought out a crowd of 130 to spend the “Night in Noir.” While some paid homage to Bogart and the Maltese Falcon, others went more ‘traditional’ with wild Halloween-like costumes.

For four hours party goers danced, laughed and enjoyed themselves at the Jewish Museum of Maryland. See you next year.

Friday, March 12, 2010

Oral History Training Continues

Oral History volunteers Warren Clayman and Harriet Lynn practice their interview technique.

30+ volunteers came to our Oral History Training Workshop on Sunday, February 28th. These volunteers will be helping the Museum conduct interviews with 50 prominent community members in conjunction with our 50th Anniversary Oral History Initiative. Project Consultant Jayne Guberman taught the ins and outs of asking probing questions.

Project Coordinator Jobi Zink is offering several hands-on training classes to work the new Marantz recorders. This refresher class will help the volunteers become familiar and comfortable with the equipment.

Upcoming training (for those who attended the workshop on 2/28) will be held at 11 AM on Wednesday March 24 and 2 PM on Thursday March 25. RSVP to Jobi at (410) 732-6400 ext. 226 or

We'll be holding a second training later this spring. Keep your eyes open for more information.

Wednesday, March 10, 2010

Once Upon a Time -- Identity Crisis!

Every once in a while someone will call in to identify someone in a "Once Upon A Time" photograph, and they will be wrong! How do I know they are wrong? When 4 people say "that's my relative John Doe" and one person says "I think it could be John Brown," I trust the family members. Sometimes I don't know who is right, so I post both names hoping to spark conversation.

This week someone called in to identify all three ladies in a photo that was run in Baltimore Jewish Times in June. Maybe you can be the person who helps clearly identify everyone.

PastPerfect Accession #: 1988.142.003

Status: UNIDENTIFIED! Black and white photograph of (L-R) Mollie (Goldstein) Greenberg or Belle Goldsmith holding a Ner Israel Ladies Auxiliary Life Member certificate, Bryna Volosov Kitay or Rebitzen Tova Krasner, and Sadie Tanenbaum or Pearl Schindler, 1977. These ladies have also been identified as Anne R. Jacobson, Rita Langbaum, and Libby Mason of Beth Jacob Congregation.

Who do you think they are?